
Текст: Behind Enemy Lines. Turning A Blind Eye.

Use your euphemisms but the reality remains
This is still genocide by any other name
Too much agony and bloodshed for the perpetrators to hide
Too much apathy and bloodlust for us to justify
Too much western world indifference to keep this savagery at bay
Too much need for intervention to just look the other way
For the refugees of Darfur
The end result looks bleak
Our never ending evasion
Their end without relief
We sit and debate while the militias bathe in blood
The first world has forsaken all of those who died
Brutalized by bigotry, abandoned by the world
We have turned a blind eye to genocide
Not enough tolerance, attention or humanitarian aid
Not enough of an outcry to stop the bludgeoning with the blade
Not enough compassion to combat all of this despair
Not enough resources to be plundered for the western world to care
Atrocities committed
The machete swings again
As our population thinks
Their population thins
We sit and debate while the militias bathe in blood
The first world has forsaken all of those who died
Brutalized by bigotry, abandoned by the world
We have turned a blind eye to genocide
They plead
We look the other way
They bleed
We look the other way
They die and we just look the other way
Can?t we utilize more than empty rhetoric? can?t we do more than pretend?
Can?t we show some real conviction when we say ?never again??
Can?t we see where this is heading? Can?t we see what is at stake?
Can?t we ever learn our lesson and not repeat our past mistakes?
They pay with their lives
We pay them no attention
We bury our heads in the sand
As they bury their children
We sit and debate while the militias bathe in blood
The first world has forsaken all of those who died
Brutalized by bigotry, abandoned by the world
We have turned a blind eye to genocide