
Текст: Victims Family. Doo-doo.

Well you better listen up and you better listen good, 'cause I'll only say
it once and I won't say it twice. Okay?
Well I'm walkin' down the street and I'm steppin' in the muck, oh shit,
oh fuck I'm running amok.
Well I'm so sick and tired of the muck and the mire my heads on fire
and I'm pulling teeth with pliers.
Well, you never listen to a single word that I say, it didn't matter

anyway, I'm just babblin'...babblin' babylonian... ohbabybabybaby
ohbabybabybaby pleasebabybabybaby, don'tleavebabybabybaby.
Well I'm stuck in the nozzle at the bottom of the bottle, it's the bottle
that I guzzle, just give me a muzzle. I'm just doggy breath.