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Divertissement. Clarinet sheet music.


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Divertissement composed by Geraldine Green. For clarinet choir. Classical. 21st century. Score and parts. Composed 1991. 84 pages. score. parts vary. Duration 15 to 20 minutes. Published by Alea Publishing. A7.ALEA1090. ABOUT THE WORK. The Divertissement was commissioned by conductor Peter Morris for his Thameside Clarinet Choir in London in 1991. The score was completed in the September of that year and the first performance followed in November 1991. 1992 saw at least two more performances of the piece, also in London by the Thameside Clarinet Choir. The music is tonal, tuneful and highly rhythmic, with varying colours and textures throughout. The first movement begins with a grand, slow introduction, leading into the Allegro Moderato, which announces the bright and cheerful main theme. A slower middle section uses the music from the introduction as well as an inner accompaniment figure of the main theme. There are various solos throughout, which would be played by the section leaders. The sunny main theme then returns towards the end to complete the movement. The slow, second movement is the austere, serious side of the work, and seeks to express the more stark, creepy side of a clarinet choir. The textures are piercing, sometimes aggressive, dark and swirling. The third and final movement, Rondo, is jolly, light-hearted and fun, and is possibly the most technically challenging movement of the piece. There are many time signature changes throughout and the music is fast, spiky, humorous and very mischievous. Again, there are various solos for section leaders, especially for the bass and E flat clarinets. ABOUT THE COMPOSER. Geraldine Green was born in 1967. Her interest in music was awakened when she was 7 years old, during a holiday when she stayed with a family of musicians including the composer John Dunn. At 11 she began the clarinet and piano at the Belfast School of Music, where she studied until the age of 18. It was during this time that Geraldine's passion for composition began, and she began writing her first piano pieces and studying orchestration with the help and encouragement of her teacher Gerry Deignan. In 1986 Geraldine went to the London College of Music to study clarinet with David Campbell and piano with Renalda Mackie. Following a 3 year degree course, she then completed a post graduate diploma in Film Music under Francis Shaw. By then the urge to write music could no longer be contained and in the years that followed she wrote a number of works. These included a Recorder Concertino, the Bass Clarinet Concerto, a Septet for string quintet, flute and harpsichord, and a concerto for B-flat clarinet and orchestra. During these years, Geraldine also wrote four musicals for Herne Hill Primary School in London. Throughout the 1990s Geraldine taught clarinet and piano at Ibstock Place School in Roehapton, London, and this soon led to her producing orchestrations and arrangements for the school's orchestra, band and choir. Through this work she met Peter Morris who commissioned her to write a piece for his Thameside Clarinet Choir. The 3 movement Divertissement was the result. A clarinet quintet, commissioned by Michael Bryant for his clarinet 'play days' was soon to follow. After a break in music writing to start a family, March 2008 saw Geraldine return to writing with a seven movement piece for piano, 'Miscellany'. The year 2009 saw the world premiere of her flute concerto, performed by flautist Gary Woolf. who commissioned the work. and the Chiltern Camerata in High Wycombe, UK, and conducted by composer Simon Lambros.


Divertissement composed by Geraldine Green. Для кларнета хору. Класичний. 21-е століття. Партитура і партії. Складається 1991. 84 сторінки. рахунок. їх частин. Duration 15 to 20 minutes. Опубліковано Alea видання. A7.ALEA1090. Про роботу. The Divertissement was commissioned by conductor Peter Morris for his Thameside Clarinet Choir in London in 1991. The score was completed in the September of that year and the first performance followed in November 1991. 1992 saw at least two more performances of the piece, also in London by the Thameside Clarinet Choir. The music is tonal, tuneful and highly rhythmic, with varying colours and textures throughout. The first movement begins with a grand, slow introduction, leading into the Allegro Moderato, which announces the bright and cheerful main theme. A slower middle section uses the music from the introduction as well as an inner accompaniment figure of the main theme. There are various solos throughout, which would be played by the section leaders. The sunny main theme then returns towards the end to complete the movement. The slow, second movement is the austere, serious side of the work, and seeks to express the more stark, creepy side of a clarinet choir. The textures are piercing, sometimes aggressive, dark and swirling. The third and final movement, Rondo, is jolly, light-hearted and fun, and is possibly the most technically challenging movement of the piece. There are many time signature changes throughout and the music is fast, spiky, humorous and very mischievous. Again, there are various solos for section leaders, especially for the bass and E flat clarinets. Про композитора. Джеральдін Грін народився в 1967 році. Її інтерес до музики прокинувся, коли їй було 7 років, під час свята, коли вона залишилася з родиною музикантів у тому числі композитора Джона Dunn. У 11 вона почала кларнета і фортепіано на Белфаст музичній школі, де вона вчилася у віці до 18. Саме в цей момент, який розпочався пристрасть Джеральдін для композиції, і вона почала писати свої перші п'єси для фортепіано та вивчення оркестровки з допомогу і підтримку свого вчителя Джеррі Deignan. У 1986 Джеральдін поступив в Лондонський коледж музики для вивчення кларнеті з Девідом Кемпбеллом і фортепіано з Renalda Mackie. Після 3-річного курсу навчання, вона тоді завершив аспірантуру диплом у фільмі музику під Френсіс Шоу. До того бажання писати музику вже не міг стримувати і в наступні роки вона написала ряд робіт. Вони включали в себе Recorder Концертіно, бас Концерт для кларнета, септету для струнного квінтету, флейти і клавесина, і концерт для сі-бемоль кларнета з оркестром. За ці роки, Джеральдін також написав чотири мюзикли для Херн Хілл початкової школи в Лондоні. Протягом 1990-х років Джеральдін вчив кларнета і фортепіано на Ibstock Місце школи в Roehapton, Лондоні, і це незабаром привело до її виробництва оркестровки і механізмів для школи оркестру, групи та хору. Завдяки цій роботі вона зустріла Пітера Морріса, який доручив їй писати п'єси для його Thameside кларнета хору. 3 Рух Дивертисмент був результат. Кларнет квінтет, на замовлення Майкл Брайант за його кларнет 'Гра днів був незабаром послідують. Після перерви в музичній письмовій формі, щоб почати сім'ю, березень 2008 побачив Джеральдін повернення до письмовій формі з семи руху П'єса для фортепіано , збірнику. 2009 світову прем'єру свого Концерт для флейти у виконанні флейтист Гері Вулф. хто замовив роботу. і Chiltern Камерата в High Wycombe, Великобританії, і проводиться композитора Симона Lambros.