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Dan Bennett. The Total Rock Bassist. Book and CD. Sheet Music, CD. Bass Guitar. BGTR.


Dan Bennett. Всього Рок Басист. Книга та CD. Ноти, CD. Бас-гітара. BGTR.


Pick up this comprehensive book and experience a unique and exciting journey through the diverse world of rock bass playing. From the blues-soaked sound of early rock ’n’ roll to the hyper-kinetic thrash of modern metal, rock music has something for every kind of bassist out there—no matter what your style and preference is. This book breaks down the music and playing of iconic players throughout history, including authentic-sounding music examples in a variety of styles. Learn the technique, theory, and song forms needed to be a great bassist, and take the stage in your own rock band. A CD demonstrating the examples in the book is included. Features. Authentic-sounding examples in a wide variety of styles including classic rock, metal, punk, blues, reggae, ska, and funk. Basic chord progressions used for thousands of songs. Essential techniques including fingerstyle, pick, slap & pop, tapping, and double-stops. Important rock rhythms and odd time signatures. Lots of scales, triads, arpeggios, and modes, including exotic scales for a modern sound.


Візьміть цю всеосяжну книгу і досвід унікальний і захоплюючий подорож по різноманітному світі рок-бас ігри. From the blues-soaked sound of early rock ’n’ roll to the hyper-kinetic thrash of modern metal, rock music has something for every kind of bassist out there—no matter what your style and preference is. This book breaks down the music and playing of iconic players throughout history, including authentic-sounding music examples in a variety of styles. Вивчіть форми техніки, теорії та пісні, необхідних, щоб бути відмінним басистом, і на сцену у своїй власній рок-групи. CD демонструючи приклади в книзі включений. Особливості. Authentic-sounding examples in a wide variety of styles including classic rock, metal, punk, blues, reggae, ska, and funk. Basic chord progressions used for thousands of songs. Основні методи, включаючи Fingerstyle, Піка, ляпас. Важливі рок ритми і підписи дивний час. Багато ваги, тріади, арпеджіо, і режимів, у тому числі екзотичних ваги для сучасного звуку.