Руслана – Аркан Гей! Гей!.. Гей! Гей!.. За весною - літо! За зірками - вітер! Заплету їх у вінок! Будуть в мене квіти! Кажуть земля - без крил, А вона
On the path to darkness, the darkness of these nights Through the fog we' re dressed with our black robes Silence... The wolves will lead us towards
When you told me your dream (When you told me your dream) I wanted to cry You almost looked happy (You almost looked happy) Please don't tell me it's
Rolling up tab ends that the baby's collected Waiting for the number that clicks on the wall. It's open season on the weak and the feeble Their meagre
Consecrate the altar with your symbols This is the night when the breeze will rekindles the sacred fire and when the Sacred stones will sing your new
La rage du peuple (X4) Ok, on a la rage mais c'est pas celle qui fait baver, Demande a Fabe, la vie claque comme une semelle sur les paves La rage
[ Instrumental ]