красный светофор. ПРИПЕВ: Рыжая девчонка, я не знаю, Как тебе культурно объяснить. У меня девчонка есть другая. Я же не могу двоих любить. ПРИПЕВ: Рыжая
так горько, Целуешь так крепко. Уберу твою руку, Смахну водицу. А зима не поможет, Будет рыжая сниться. Подарила осень- рыжая девчонка Ожерелье
When the redhead girl goes by The course of time stands still When the redhead girl goes by Goes by Goes by When the redhead girl goes by It's a dream
23 23 seconds, all things we love will die 23 magic, if you can change your life Your tainted heart, my tainted love, repent now How many times ? As
Am I? Am I to be paid? But I have to? Could I try to? Do I have to? ..I still get rocks off Am I? Am I to be plain? But I need to? Could I get to? Do
If you insist on situations that make you cry it's not real it can be fear it's in your eyes it can be here the complications affect your mind Mistake
Mine is an act of love Mine is a wish to solve And mine is to sink by your side You are to be amused And you are never to be confused In your first
your fault my fault i now forget your life my lies wouldn't be the last i dive into plastic events apartment full of evidence what's false to you was
Everybody knows he is a pleaser Nothing else than just a teaser Teaser of his own faint smile Yes and how he's so amusing Smiling can be so consuming
Looking everywhere, I see nothing but people Looking everywhere, but I see nothing but people Where have they gone? I always thought I could never leave
maybe I guess he will be alone 'cause we are equally damaged find your name do all the same, equally signal when you can't breathe no more say you were
Angel I can see myself in your eyes Angel won't you feel for me from your heart Do return my heart to me No don't insist I'm already hurt Elephant
Living in dreams you as me distilled from you be still no moves hide your wild side instill more time in an armed life now you know why exist unless wish
Maybe again he will be alone Guess we're equally damaged Find your name do it all the same equally Signal when you can't breathe no more Say you were
Allow me to show you The way which I adore you Allow me to show you The way which I adore you Sometimes I think I must Just let you be a horse All
Smaller, smaller he's so still which one is gonna make it make it to the madness You are right for me protect me from what I want I'm trying not to repeat
Le temps le plus important c'est la première fois Le temps le plus important c'est la deuxième fois et après ça la troisi&
Tell me how you seek your man And tell me all your secret spells Tell me how you learn To tell by his voice that he fell I know a ghost will walk