it's not an accusation, i freeze when i see you and i can still feel you breath you say i spread lies for attention as you play victim their minds set
Переклад: Вільна. Ви.
Переклад: Преподобний Мілтон Брансон і Томпсон Співтовариства хор. Я доступні для вас.
Переклад: Scissor Sisters. Я вільний (Для Вас).
true! So I asked her: "Please will you be mine?" Now here's what she replies... [Chorus:] I don't want you no way! I don't want you to stay! Would you
bench the jury will see possession is disease today clearly it haunts you understanding can't compare to knowing best clearly it haunts you my client
: Si fuera otro no dejaria que este sentimiento absurdo se apoderara de este corazon tan loco si fuera otro pondria un freno a este amor intruso Pero
Si fuera otro no dejaria que este sentimiento absurdo se apoderara de este corazon tan loco si fuera otro pondria un freno a este amor intruso Pero