[Lyrics: Losicco '95] Argentum Chains, Blind My Eyes With Silver Spikes, I'm Crucified Ignorant Fools! Upon This Pyre Am I To Burn? You Can Not Win For
Crucified Have Died Through Doors Of Time My Will Revealed The Powers That Be Are Mine Eternity Reveals Itself Exposed I Transverse Time And Space Undead, Undone, Unlight
shall Become void First to feel the burning rays, to see the lie in light First too she who wrapped my wounds and healed in pale Unlight [Chorus] I am
[Lyrics: Smith '94] Under The Darkened Sky Lies A Greater Light In The Moon-Turned Mind Is A Force That Strives To Die The Frozen Doom Comes-Feel The
[Lyrics: LoSicco '98] :As giant wings, fashioned from the flesh of the fallen, exerted their will to secure beast and rider's course in twilight's sky
the crimson strings unfold to infinite lengths and points untold To conquer time alone by will:to BE:forever more Apoditic evil in the arms of the Unlight
Переклад: Епохи Unlight. (З Північної Aeries To) Нескінченний цикл Ненароджений Господь.
Переклад: Епохи Unlight. Срібний Пані.
Переклад: Епохи Unlight. Crimson Might.
long The armies of falseness still grow I'm not the only one to know There's no saviour to come We have arrived in an epoch of unlight Where saints are