Переклад: Наш маленький куточок світу: Music From Gilmore Girls саундтрек. Все в порядку, дитинко [Комеді].
Переклад: Круті дівчиська: Герої і лиходії саундтрек. Блоссом [Комеді].
*These are the People of the Longhouse These are the People that you tried to break These are the People of the Pines Who Follow the Code of Handsome
Once I gave a look to you But you never gave it back So here I stand expressionless But my memory's intact I guess the past is good for a laugh A comedy
I stumble in the night Never really knew what it would've been like You're no longer there to break my fall The heartache over you I'd give it everything
Make us fight on the hill in the early day constant chill deep inside Shouting gun on they run through the endless grey on they fight for the right
Your dream vacation, smile hostage refuge A work in progress, you bleed Just like you puke while running a mile I beg to differ, make me an offer Warm
This Side of truth Unlearned in my youth Lines Edges on the air Too much everywhere Tear it away I'm not sorry Spin Spinning circle game Every word
My life was comedy, quitting drinking was the easiest thing I've ever done, I have never looked back. I can not simply understand why the hell I waited
Their wails heard from scenic overlooks And like fish marinating In the swamp, the glade The pig-nosed parade We do not even see them A world coming up
It's been five years, we've had good and bad The ivy grows thick in our dark backyard When I shave in the morning you don't recognize me I ask if you'
Make his fight on the hills in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun on they run through the endless gray On they fight for their right
Die Zeit steht still wenn du's willst vertreibst dumpfe Gedanken heile Welt unverfälscht bringst die Erde ins Wanken. Hab' auf dich sehnsü
Halley's Comet, I said a Halley's Comet How could you know that I lived in a desperate world? How could you dream that we were all made out of stone?
Write to someone, let the subject burn If it's slow for my reply then ignore the wait But as long as you want everything And as long as you won't ever
izlazak iz kome kolosalna stvar raditi na akord cekati na stan sanjati o sreci izricati sud zivjeti na kredit ispadati svaki put idemo svi kreiraju tvoju
The workers started at 6:30 in the morning They got up bright and early to fix the roof next door and Workers climbed, hammers chimed, pounding nails
I am original DJ Jazzy Jay from The mighty mighty Zulu Nation First off, I'm gonna say my name is Original scratch creator Grand Wizard Theodore For