mouth of the skull and lands at RAOUL's feet) PHANTOM Bravo, monsieur! Such spirited words! (Another fireball) RAOUL More tricks, monsieur? PHANTOM Let's see, monsieur
Переклад: Привид опери саундтрек. Блукаючі дитини Браво, мосьє.
of the skull and lands at RAOUL's feet) PHANTOM Bravo, monsieur! Such spirited words! (Another fireball) RAOUL More tricks, monsieur? PHANTOM Let's see, monsieur
sword) Phantom: (Still fighting) Bravo, Monsieur! You've figured out my secret! Such spirited words! (Swings sword at Raoul) Raoul: (Grunts) Phantom: Let's see, Monsieur
you . . (Applause, bravos. Prominent among the bravos, those of the young RAOUL in the MANAGERS' box) RAOUL Can it be? Can it be Christine? Bravo! (he